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Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
After paying for your child's program complete the waiver and email to confirm we know what days/times your child is planning to attend.
All players need their own reversible pinnie click here
All player must email to confirm the day and time they intend to attend.
All coaches submitting a team must have each player complete a team waiver click here
All coaches submitting a team should email with team detail age, gender, level, last opponents and league.Include any requests.
Communication, Team Page and rsvp-ing-to hold your spot
We will be creating a team page ,once we sort out the age groups.
All communications will be on the Sports Engine team page.
Players must be rsvp'd a week prior to an event. On the sixth day prior to an event we fill game rosters and training spots with play
Our goal is to provide as much opportunity to each player, as possible.
We have pushed out our start date to November 13th. We will run a day of scrimmage by age groups to access the players and invite tryout players to be accessed ,as well. Pick the correct game time for you child from the schedule page
Players will be evaluated through November. We will start inviting Elite players at the first tryout/evaluation games, We will have the Elite rosters established prior to the fist games on December 3. Elite game swill be in Westford (Millworks) or Tyngsboro (Sports Complex).
We are asking that parents refrain from remaining in the gym. There is not enough space to host spectators safely so we are looking at the option of live streaming..
Copyright © 2018 East Coast Futsal Club - All Rights Reserved.
ECFC reserves the right to change days and times of programs or 781-854-6308